Sunday, December 16, 2012

What a trouble maker IE Michael II

This morning I was bathing the kids and as I was washing Kaylene hair I took Michael II out of the tub and sent him to see his Dad.  He never made it to his dad.  This is what he did instead.

this is Cornstarch

I am not sure you can see it in either one of this pic but he has cornstarch all over him

He had to have another bath.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pic with Santa

This is Michael's first time on Santa's lap
I am not sure if he knows who this realy is but for both of my kids the only
Santa for the first year or so I can get my kids to sit with is Grandpa Kelley. 
I love that my Dad likes to play Santa so much.

Kaylene at this time loves to sit on any Santa's lap this is her third one. 
The funny thing is when we went back to the car to meet up with Grandpa Kelley
she said I sat on your lap.  Then changed it and said I sat on Santa's lap
So funny.

Monday, December 3, 2012

other pictures I have forgotten

I have be bad at posting many things this year. Here is pictures of the end  of October and some form November. 


The Cat and Mousse

when I let him pick what he will be he picks rambo and he picked it at 5 am on Holloween day

The tired lady

we had a great fall this year

and played

The Wink

Kaylene thinks winking is fun and has been trying to do so for sometime now she come up to me last week and said she could do it. I asked her to do it again for the camera and took this video.