Monday, April 16, 2012


 After dying the eggs Michael would lick them
tasting them all. O so yummy.

Kaylene had fun and was creative with coloring each egg.
Most eggs where dipped on top and bottom.

One of the eggs the Easter bunny hide

Kaylene after finding her Easter basket

The family on Easter

We had a very busy morning.  We went to a missioners homecoming, came home to find the Easter bunny had come and Michael took a much needed nap, this is way Michael is not helping to find the eggs. Then off to our ward and then to Grandma and Grandpa Whiting house for a great dinner. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

big Michael's birthday cake

I has been sometime since I have been able to get pictures off my camera.  Here is Michael birthday cake.

It is a golf ball if you can't tell Michael favorite sport to play.

And this is how happy he was for his cake.
He is not big on cakes in general and things me making a big deal out of it is unneeded  
over all he had a great day.  His birthday fell on a Friday and last quarter he had no school on Friday so we where able to enjoy him on his day.

Michael II walking

I am sorry that I have not posted this before I have had a hard time trying to with our new computer. Then I give up and went back to the old computer to post this video. Michael has been walking for almost three weeks now.

This is Michael trying to walk he so excited to do so.   When he first started it was fun to watch his face when he took the first step.  The look was why have I not done this before and this is fun.  Kaylene is having fun trying to get him to walk to her.  This will come soon I am sure but he is not wanting to walk to her at this time.  He is also not one to perform when you want to show others that he can walk. And when you want him to walk on his own he will pull back on your hand with all of his weight and will not move at all.  This video is the first night he was walking on his own.

I thought he was into everything before and climbing all over things but now that he is fully walking it is 2x as bad as I thought it would be